Breauchez Cigar
Breauchez Cigares

About Us

Breauchez Cigars was established in 2023 by seasoned cigar connoisseur Marlon Breauchez, who has over 20 years’ experience in the cigar game. Cigar smoking has grown in popularity over the last few years, and although the origins of this time-honoured tradition date as far back as the 10th century, its recent surge in popularity is fuelled by the improvement in flavours and our desire to connect to a simpler, less hectic way of life.

The Breauchez family has always had a rich history of cigar smoking, going back to our great-grandfather’s days. Naturally, we were keen to continue passing this culture down the generational line, and it’s now synonymous with our family name. As a collective, we wanted to bring that same heritage to the residents of Texas Houston and beyond. We noticed a gap in the market for a cigar lounge where everyday folks, whether working-class, upper, or middle-income individuals, could escape from the world around them. We’ve curated a safe community environment for you to indulge in the delights of cigar smoking at its finest.

Here at Breauchez Cigars, we sell luxurious, aromatic, cigars in-store and online. As a brand, providing our clients with a space to truly experience the unmatched pleasure of cigar smoking was essential. Nothing quite beats sitting down in a comfortable chair with like-minded people around you. A glass of your favourite whiskey, cognac, or rum in one hand and your decadent smoke in the other. Enjoy a relaxing long puff while you chill out with your favorite tunes in the background.

Our brand is inclusive. So, whether you’re a veteran in the cigar-smoking game or a young female just starting out on her smoke journey. Our range of renowned retail brands, alongside our own blend of hand-rolled cigars, is bound to get your taste buds tingling.

Join us as we bask in the traditions of the Breauchez family lounge, where nothing beats the pleasure of relaxing with a leisurely smoke after a long working day.

